
Kiwanis thanks community for book sale success

Dear Editor,

On behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Alpena, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Alpena community for their incredible generosity and support of our recent used book sale. Thanks to the overwhelming number of book donations from local residents and the enthusiastic turnout at the event itself, we are proud to say that thousands of books found new homes. The generosity of our community has made this event a resounding success, and we are thrilled to report that all proceeds will go directly to support children in the Alpena area.

We also want to offer a special thank you to The Alpena News and its dedicated staff, particularly publisher Justin Hinkley and lifestyles editor Darby Hinkley, for their amazing assistance in promoting this event over the past three months. Their tireless efforts helped spread the word, bring attention to our cause, and ensure the sale’s success. We truly appreciate their commitment to supporting local initiatives and making a lasting impact on the lives of Alpena’s youth.

The Kiwanis Club of Alpena is proud to serve our community, and we couldn’t do it without your continued support. Thank you once again to everyone who donated, attended, and volunteered to make this event such a success. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of children throughout Alpena!



President, Kiwanis Club of Alpena


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