
Rain garden an investment in Alpena’s future

The Alpena Public School board is considering a rain garden project at the high school — an initiative that would provide lasting benefits for students, the environment, and the community. While some may have concerns about maintenance, rain gardens are a proven, low-cost way to manage stormwater, reduce erosion, and create a valuable educational space. With a well-structured plan, this project could be a model of sustainability and hands-on learning.

Rain gardens absorb runoff from rainstorms, filtering pollutants and reducing flooding risks. They require some initial care — regular watering, mulching, and weeding in the first year or two — but once established, they largely maintain themselves with minimal upkeep. Seasonal cleanups and occasional weeding keep them in top shape, and a well-designed garden with native plants will naturally suppress weeds while supporting pollinators.

Some board members may be hesitant, questioning whether a rain garden will become a burden over time. That’s a fair concern, but one that has a simple solution: a structured maintenance plan. With student volunteers from science classes, environmental clubs, and service organizations, routine upkeep can be incorporated into learning. Additionally, oversight from school staff or a local community partner can ensure long-term success. Other communities have implemented similar projects with great success — why not Alpena?

This project is more than just landscaping — it’s an investment in Alpena’s future. It’s a chance for students to connect with nature, for the school to showcase sustainability in action, and for the board to leave a legacy that benefits generations to come. If the right plan is in place to address concerns, the Alpena School Board should embrace this opportunity and approve the rain garden. It’s a practical, beautiful, and educational addition to our community that we can all take pride in.




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