
Voters, we really just don’t want trust erased


Our democracy stands off the cornerstone of the three branches of government.

The 1st district elected Congressman Jack Bergman to study the needs of our region and country and to craft laws to meet those needs.

In addition, as an elected Congressional representative, we gave him the “power of the purse” under the U.S. Constitution (USC 1301) to take part in appropriations to fund programs developed to serve America’s interest throughout the world.

Congressman Bergman met that duty by participating in allocations that not only serve American interests abroad but provide markets for US farmers and businesses.

Those who shuttered the doors of USAID offices were NOT elected and have subverted the intent of Congress.

I urge voters in our district to call Congressman Bergman (231-944-7633) to relay the message that we placed our trust in HIM and we do not want that trust erased by those who did not earn our votes.




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