
Adjusting priorities to help out taxpayers

I am writing this out of concern for the actions of the city council and Target Alpena. Why do they think it is appropriate to give acreage to a developer for $1, then abate the taxes on the property, 90% for 20 years? This is not being done for the average citizen of Alpena, when the lowest-priced unit is projected to be approximately $5,000 per month. We already have two wonderful facilities in town in Besser Senior Living and Turning Brook, which operate in the same business model with similar pricing. These facilities advertise a six-month waiting list but regularly have vacancies when people on the list aren’t ready to move. Also, we have the Binghan School Senior Living Facility that will be open this year on 5th Street in town. On top of all that, we have the new PACE facility opening soon in the old Peebles Department store south of town. This group is dedicated to helping seniors stay in their homes, with in-home support services and more extensive services in their building. We also have Medilodge and a number of Adult Foster Care facilities, for seniors needing more intensive care, that accept Medicare. Seems like we have enough senior facilities, so I don’t think the taxpayers should subsidize the costs of a developer, to bring more seniors from downstate, (the market referred to by the developer) hopefully helping the businesses of the area. Perhaps, if you give the people a 90% property tax break, we would be able to spend more money locally. In closing, why should we, the taxpayers, give away property and future tax revenue for something we do NOT need when we DO need affordable housing for families and students?




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