
Bring back tree planting programs in Alpena

On a recent drive down 9th Street, I noticed city maintenance vehicles had the street closed off for tree removal. Upon observing, the crew had removed six large Silver Maple trees. These trees were like senior citizens, their massive crowns, shading and providing shelter for all residents, two and four-legged, for 80 to 100 years. How appalling, will the trees be replaced with new plantings of an undesirable “street tree,” one that will be neglected and never see side branch pruning. I realize this species is not a desirable species as the roots are intrusive to sidewalks, curbs, and buried sewers. What happened to the city tree planting program, or has this been tabled for the next council meeting or the next? When I was a youth in the 50s through the 70s, the city possessed large American Elm trees but disease destroyed these beauties. Later came the ash borer that killed the ash trees and more removal, leaving a void in the city’s canopy. I don’t believe Alpena qualifies for the “Tree City” designation.


Maple Ridge Township


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