
Country cannot cater to the whole world

The U.S. Supreme Court had ruled against President Trump’s mandate of ending foreign aid. Former presidential candidate Sen. Ron Paul has advised that foreign aid is unconstitutional! If that’s the case, then how does the Supreme Court see it differently? President Lincoln said of the Supreme Court that “when they rule the people no longer rule!”

I would like to know where in the U.S. Constitution it mandates that we have to cater to the whole world.

The only ones that feel that we should manage and be the saviors of the entire planet are the usual tax-exempt liberal sob sister Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that feel that’s our moral obligation. I feel strongly that they influenced the court!

These are the same people (NGOs) during the Biden administration who appointed themselves in charge of the illegal aliens. They were the ones along the southern border that were very generous in handing out our tax dollars to the walk-ins and putting them up in expensive motels and transportation.

These tax-exempt NGOs and special interest groups have aided and abetted felony lawbreakers and should be hauled into court for treason!

In President Trump’s recent address, he clearly is trying to save the country and taxpayers money and has been bailing out the sinking ship while the liberals are bailing water in. It was very plain and quite clear to the world who the villains were at his address. They were not only disgusting but had nothing but contempt for whatever Trump said. I just hope that in the midterm election the voters can clearly see who really represents them. Write and call your federal representative and demand they overrule the Supreme Court decision.




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