
Oppose embracement of Russia, autocracy

After decades of bi-partisan opposition to Russian aggression, including three years of bi-partisan support for Ukraine in their fight against Putin’s latest attempt to take over their country, Trump appears to be treating Russia as an ally.

The despicable attack by Trump and Vance against President Zelenskyy on Feb. 28 and the ensuing “pause” of military support and intelligence sharing are acts of betrayal of an ally in favor of a regime that can’t be trusted and is an enemy of America.

Trump’s disdain for NATO and the UN is well documented and joining with other autocratic countries against a vote to condemn Russian aggression in Ukraine raises questions among our allies about whether America’s commitments can be trusted.

Trump has shifted the blame for Russian aggression to Zelenskyy and has already signaled that any cease-fire or peace agreements will not include any return of Russian-held territory.

Trump hasn’t revealed what he and Putin discussed during their secret phone conversations other than that he trusts Putin. One has to question what commitments Trump has made based on his recent actions.

All of these actions have been greeted with delight in Russia which has stated that America’s foreign policy is now completely aligned with Russia.

Trump has long expressed admiration and friendship with autocratic leaders like Putin, Zi, Orban, and Un. His disdain for the rule of law, congressional authority, and the constitution along with his foreign policy decisions and goals including taking over Panama, Greenland, Canada, and Gaza have put our country on a dangerous road to autocratic rule.

Most Republicans who attended Tuesday’s MAGA rally lack the courage to resist Trump’s alignment with Russia and turn toward autocratic rule.

Americans who value the rule of law and democracy should oppose this embracement of Russia and autocracy.




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