
Alcona boys take first district title since 2013

Courtesy Photo The Alcona High School boys basketball team poses for a photo after their win on Friday against Oscoda. The 41-34 win gave the Tigers their first district title since 2013.

On Friday, the Alcona High School boys basketball team defeated Oscoda 41-34. With the win, the Tigers secured their first district title since 2013 and extended their record on the year to 20-3.

Garrett Somers had a big night with 15 points, 11 rebounds, and four steals. Ricky Schott had 11 points. Gavin Dellar had eight points. Evan Borsvold finished with five points, 12 rebounds, and five assists.

“I could not be more proud of this group of young men,” Alcona coach Alex Cole said. “They are a group of competitors, a group of leaders, and a group of winners! They remain resilient every step of the way because they believe in each other and believe in what we are trying to accomplish as a team. They have never given up all season, and that showed tonight.

“This game was a heavyweight match, he continued. “Our closest rival, on a Friday night, in their gym, for a trophy. It’s what every kid dreams of being a part of. And I just love our fans. We traveled so well. The student sections had the place rocking. We felt the outpouring love and support from our community.”

Alcona moves on to the Lake City Regional to play against Beal City at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday.


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